Versele-Laga Recup-Lyt – 240g x12 packets

Versele-Laga Recup-Lyt – 240g x12 packets


  • electrolytes on a glucose basis

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SKU: versele-laga-recup-lyt-240g-x12-packets Category:


SKU: 100XX
Size: 240g x12 packets
- electrolytes mix on a glucose basis
- unique mixture of electrolytes on a glucose base. Administer directly after the
flight for quick recovery and to prevent dehydration caused by diarrhoea
- prevents dehydration caused by diarrhoea
- helps quick recovery after a race
- ensures a controlled fluid balance in tissues and organs and consequently prevents dehydration
- during the competition season: Pigeons are very thirsty on arrival: give fresh drinking water
+ 1 dessertspoon of Glucose + Vitamins per litre of water. The drinking water for arriving birds must
be brought up to loft temperature in advance. Refresh the drinking water after 2 hours
and make Recup-Lyt available until the day after
- for heavy long distance flights: the day before basketing
- during the breeding season
- during the moulting season: once a week
- freshen solution daily
Useful Tip:
- in case of intestinal problems (adenovirus, colibacillosis, coccidiosis): administer Recup-Lyt
daily until symptoms like diarrhoea have disappeared.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg