Race Results Overview
[cmsms_row data_width="boxed" data_color="default" data_padding_top="20" data_padding_bottom="20"][cmsms_column data_width="1/1"][cmsms_text] UPDATE - Effective Thursday, July 5, 2012 The 2012 Race Reports Database is now updated automatically, up to twice an hour, but only as needed, when new VALID race results are sent to the email: raceresults@crpu.ca. Please email your results each week, as they become available. See the how-to at:  using-the-data-base Note: if you already sent results to the other email for race results, that's ok. Start using the new email id, raceresults@crpu.ca from now on. Older Race Reports and Official 2011 Awards We now have over 1,645 races from the 2011 race seasons in the database. About 71 CRPU clubs/combines have posted their Old Bird Race results in the: 2011 Race Reports Database (Last updated approx, Monday 5:00PM, November 7, 2011.) Only about 23 CRPU clubs/combines were able to participate in the race reports database in 2010: 2010 Race Reports Database [/cmsms_text][/cmsms_column][/cmsms_row]