APRIL 2010
As authorized by President Mike van der Jagt
And the Board of Directors
On March 4, 2010 President Mike van der Jagt contacted myself and asked if I would be willing to assist the Secretary/Treasurer with the running of the CRPU office until a new administrative assistant had been selected and was in place. He also asked that I conduct an efficiency review of this part of the organization during my period of employment.
On March 9, 2010 the Board of Directors (BOD) for the CRPU approved my hiring. My duties were clearly explained to me. I was to assist the Secretary/Treasurer with the day to day operations of the CRPU recognizing that she was the Workplace Manager and would direct my activities. I was authorized to work 16 hours per week.
During my tenure the Workplace Manager would be freely discussing the operational aspects of the administrative side of the CRPU and would identify any inefficiency that was impacting on the success of the CRPU.
At the conclusion of my tenure I was asked to provide a written “Operational Review” of the activities of the CRPU. This is my report.
Executive Summary
Head Office
The Office Area
The Bathroom
The Storage Area
Custodial Care
Fire Safety
First Aid
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System WHMIS
The CRPU Computers and Ancillary Equipment
The Office Set UP
The Secretary/Treasurer Position
The Secretaries Position
The Treasurer
The Part Time Administrative Position
Volunteers/Grant Applications
Lost and Found Secretary
The Web site
The Newsletter
Appendix A
Appendix B
An “operational review” of an organization is not an audit. It is an overview of an organization as seen through the eyes of a third party. The findings are subjective and meant to cause discussion. No audit template is followed. The intent of the review is to identify what is being done right by the organization and on the flip side to identify areas that need to be improved upon.
What I did for the operational review of the Canadian Racing Pigeon Union (CRPU) was work two days a week on site for six weeks with the Secretary/Treasurer to get a feel of how the CRPU operates. This afforded me the opportunity to question the Secretary/Treasurer at length and to question the Board of Director (BOD) members, CRPU members and other customers of pigeon products as I interacted with them.
As I started to write my report, I felt the constitution was the proper place to start for it is this document that directs all activities the CRPU is involved in. After examining the constitution, I contacted Legal Counsel known to me professionally. Both individuals volunteered to offer their services “pro bono”. After discussing the constitution with them, it is clear to me that the BOD must undertake the tremendous task of updating the constitution making it one of their highest priorities for this year. Recommendations on how that can be done at a reasonable cost are contained herein.
Facts that flowed from my discussions with Counsel are included in the section titled “The Politics”. The issues they raised are my basis for the re-organization of the CRPU from the BOD downwards. Some will find this re-organization difficult to accept but I encourage you to read this report in its entirety before making comment. You will find the total reorganization of the CRPU has merit with the end result being, our organization is more business focused to address the needs of all CRPU members.
The section titled “The Infrastructure” addresses the need for the BOD to address several areas of legislation we are not compliant with relating to our “Head Office” and employee training. These issues are easily corrected if dealt with forthwith but if ignored could result in serious civil ramification if an accident were to occur.
The section on “Staffing” will undoubtedly cause some concern for it is this area of the organization I am most critical of because I believe the CRPU must become more business focused. This theme of being “business focused” holds constant in the following sections titled; “The Financial Statements”, “The CRPU Store” and “Communication”.
After reading this report everyone will agree that the CRPU faces significant financial challenges as we move forward. Some will question the authors’ sanity when I recommend the hiring of two part time employees when we are struggling to pay for the 1.5 employees the BOD currently employs. People, it makes sense. The BOD has just conducted an exhaustive search to identify one part time employee. I was on the sidelines watching as they painstakingly short listed some 70 applicant resumes to interview 7 very qualified applicants. Why not take the top two applicants and “test” my theory that we must become more “business focused”.
The last section of this report I called “Communication”. This section speaks to the BOD efforts to keep you up to date monthly/quarterly with a top quality newly designed web page and Newsletter. Have a read. What are your thoughts on how to improve the CRPU?
Steve Walsh
The Canadian Racing Pigeon
The Canadian Racing Pigeon Union (CRPU) was established in 1929 and later incorporated in March 1944. The “constitution” is clearly posted on the CRPU web site which is an excellent idea.
As part of my review I contacted Legal Counsel (two different members) to ascertain their thoughts on our constitution. They have assisted me in preparing my recommendations for the BOD.
Written comments include:
· The constitution clearly allows the Board to appoint the officers including the Secretary-Treasurer. This is not unusual. It is not necessary for an Officer to be a Board member unless it specifically states that in the constitution. It is not usual however to have an employee at a non executive level hold an officer position.
· I've taken a look at the constitution, bylaws and the Corporations Act. There is no requirement for the Secretary and/or Treasurer to be either a member or director in the constating documents or the Act. The President and Vice have to be members and members of the Board, but they then can appoint a Secretary Treasurer from outside.
· This is a very old corporation and like most could probably use a facelift.
Other thoughts about the constitution;
· To change a constitution requires a by-law repealing the old and introducing the new.
· The corporation must keep a written record of all by-laws.
· Changes to the constitution and the adding of phrases such as in Article X – the Laws of the Land and Section 4 Human Rights Code – 1981 – C53 are not legally proper and should not be permitted in the future.
· The rules of the Canadian Racing Pigeon Union at a meeting of the Board of Directors on November 13, 1996 should have been taken back to the members to be passed. Future “rule” changes should be taken back to the members for approval.
· To replace a vacant seat on the BOD can be done legally in only one way to-day; “replaced by the next highest member on the result of the vote ballot of the last Annual Meeting”.
· A new constitution is absolutely needed.
I would suggest the BOD convene a special committee of 3 – 5 persons to re-write the constitution and bring it back to the BOD for review. If approved the new constitution would be tabled at the next AGM for membership approval.
If this recommendation is accepted, after the constitution is reviewed by the BOD it is an absolute must that this draft be proofed by legal counsel before the AGM. It is this document that will give the CRPU structure, protect the CRPU, the BOD and all members, present and future.
· The BOD re-considers the current Secretary/Treasurer position.
At present the CRPU is run by a Board of Directors (BOD), also known as the Executive which consists of seven elected positions. These positions are elected at large. After elections, the BOD elects their President and Vice-President from within. This process is similar to the election of a “Warden” for County Council and is not like a municipal election where eligible voting citizens can cast ballot for the election of a Mayor.
There is one additional position known as the BC Liaison.
· Consideration should be given to having members run at large for the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer positions. If considered this would require a constitutional change.
· The Secretary and Treasurer positions should be members of the BOD. There is nothing illegal to have “Administrative Staff” assigned these duties but there are issues with capacity and transparency that I will explain as I write this report.
· The BOD has no Organizational Chart. There is an absolute need for an Organizational Chart and this should be clearly posted on the web site. Each BOD member should have a clearly defined portfolio as to what his/her responsibilities are. Each Director should be submitting his/her written committee reports to the secretary before each meeting. These reports should be part of the distributed agenda package. The Secretary should be responsible for compiling the agenda.
The infrastructure of the CU consists of rented office space, inventory – product for sale, a new web site and an email address. This infrastructure is supported by a full time Secretary/Treasurer and one part time administrative staff position. The “web page” is maintained by contract with a company called SystemNull – Jason Berresford.
Head Office
The Head office for the CU is situated at
· Re-visit the need to close the CRPU on Easter Monday.
After hour, messages may be left via voice mail, fax or by email. This is not user friendly for our members living west of
· Consider extending office hours two days a week to allow all CRPU members across
· Consider opening the store on Saturdays.
· Consider the need to provide French Language services on the telephone.
· Consider the need to provide a 1-866 telephone number.
The office as a whole has one access point at the front and one access point at the rear. The front entrance is the only door used to access the building. The building is a cider block building with cement and ceramic tile floors.
This is a rented facility. The $1,000 per month includes all utilities and snow removal. There is adequate parking.
· The office is not alarmed.
The Office Area:
The office area would be described as being “L” shaped with an overall floor space of 216 square feet. The floor in this area is ceramic tile. This area is used as office space for the Secretary/Treasurer and product for sale is displayed on the shelving that covers the north and east walls.
There is an overhead sprinkler faucet in event of fire.
· More display shelving is needed to display promotional products. Free products, example the Price Catalogue, product magazines from Belgium and the new, “A Beginner’s Guide to the Canadian Sport of Racing Pigeons” all need their own wall space to separate them from the Jim Jenner’s DVD’s and books that are sale items.
The Bathroom:
The bathroom is 9 ft. x 6 ft or 54 square feet in size. It is wheel chair accessible but it couldn’t be located in a worse place. The door opens right into the Secretary/Treasurer’s work area. The room itself has no shelving or a paper dispenser. The toilet and sink are the only fixtures in the room. The floor in this area is also ceramic tile.
There is an overhead sprinkler faucet in event of fire.
· A paper towel dispenser is needed.
· A soap dispenser is needed.
· Shelving for some bathroom supplies would be a good idea.
· Consider approaching the landlord for these ancillary items.
The Storage Area:
The storage area is the warehouse part of the CRPU Headquarters. This room is located immediately behind the office area. It is approximately 36 feet long and 22.5 feet wide, 810 square feet in size.
There is nothing attractive about this room. It is a warehouse filled with shelving with product for sale by the CRPU and CRPU files. The floor is cement. In one area is an old desk with a computer for the Administrative Assistant position.
This area is more then adequate as the supply area for the CRPU. There is ample space here to store “product” for later sale.
· This area is not conducive to being a cl
· Consider approaching the landlord to upgrade and define this area.
Custodial Care:
At present there is no custodial staff to clean the CRPU building. This task has been left to the already overworked to perform. To be blunt the cleaning is not getting done and this leaves the organization open to liability issues.
· Contract custodial staff is required to clean this building. The work stations are filthy.
· The building needs a major clean from top to bottom.
· Blue recycling boxes would facilitate the clean up and organization of the garbage.
Fire Safety:
The Ontario Fire Code outlines the employer’s responsibility in the
I found two fire extinguishers in a corner with electrical extension cords wrapped around them. Both are filthy, a custodial issue, and probably do not work. The fire extinguishers have not been serviced since 2006. Working fire extinguishers must be on site. The number of extinguishers, capacity and the location where they must be hung is covered in legislation. After speaking with Fire Chief Bob Parsons of the Town of
· Invite Fire Chief Bob Parsons to attend the CRPU to assist the BOD in meeting the requirements of the
· Consider asking the landlord to be present for this inspection.
First Aid:
The requirements of the employer with respect to First Aid in the workplace are governed by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and found in Regulation 1101 – First Aid requirements. Both Section 1 and Section 8 are applicable to the CRPU.
1 (1) A first aid station shall contain, (a) a first aid box containing the items required by this
Regulation; and (b) a notice board displaying, (i) the Board’s poster known as Form 82 (ii) the valid first aid certificates of qualification of the trained workers on duty, and (iii) an inspection card with spaces for recording the date of the most recent inspection of the first aid box and the signature of the person making the inspection.
(2) A first aid station shall be in the charge of a worker who works in the immediate vicinity of the first aid station and who is qualified in first aid to the standards required by this Regulation.
(3) First aid stations shall be so located as to be easily accessible for the prompt treatment of any worker at all times when work is in progress.
8 (1) Every employer employing not more than five workers in anyone shift at a place of employment shall provide and maintain at the place of employment a first aid station with a first aid box containing as a minimum, a) a current edition of a standard St. John Ambulance First Aid Manual; (b) 1 card of safety pins; and c) dressings consisting of, i) 12 adhesive dressings individually wrapped, (ii) 4 sterile gauze pads, 3 inches square, (iii) 2 rolls of gauze bandage, 2 inches wide,(iv) 2 field dressings, 4 inches square or 2 four-inch sterile bandage compresses, and(v) 1 triangular bandage.
(2) The employer shall ensure that the first aid station is at all times in the charge of a worker who, (a) is the holder of a valid St. John Ambulance Emergency First Aid Certificate or its equivalent; and (b) works in the immediate vicinity of the station.
· Purchase the required First Aid kit as set out in the legislation and set up the required First Aid Station.
· Send all employees for the required training in First Aid and CPR.
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System:
What is WHMIS?
WHMIS stands for Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System. WHMIS was designed to ensure the safety of employers and employees while at the workplace. In particular, the system was designed to keep workers and employers informed of the dangers and hazards associated with the chemicals and substances that they may come into contact with while on the job.
The Ministry of Labour, Occupational Health and Safety Section is responsible in the
I made a call to the Western Region Occupational Health and Safety Section of the Ministry of Labour. After asking pointed questions with respect to WHMIS training I learned WHMIS training for an employee is only required one time. As a follow up, annually, the employer should ask all employees these four key questions. If they are unable to answer these questions a refresher course should be considered.
1) Where can I get hazard information?
2) What are the hazards of the controlled product?
3) How am I protected from those hazards?
4) What do I do in case of an emergency?
The issue for us, is any of our product a controlled substance?
· Undertake to WHMIS train all employees.
The Ontario Health and Safety Act governs’ eye wash stations in the workplace. Whether an eye wash station is mandatory or not is confusing considering a lot of our product for sale is imported.
· Install an eye wash station.
The CRPU Computers and Ancillary Equipment:
There are two CRPU computers which are linked together wirelessly. Both computers are old and need to be replaced. The one computer has crashed at the time of the writing of this report. A proper office style computer set up with a server is required.
A new laser printer is needed. The current printer has lost its ability to load a PDF file in a timely fashion.
· An entire new IT system should be installed at the CRPU. Leasing should be considered.
The Office Set Up:
The Secretary/Treasurers’ desk and chair although old, are to her liking. I question whether the desk is ergonomically correct to prevent carpal tunnel injury to the employee. The desk and chair for the Part Time employee clearly is not proper.
The Occupational Health and Safety Act sets out the standards for all equipment in the work place. Steps must be taken to prevent injury to CRPU employees and ensure we are compliant with the legislation.
· Have a local office supply company come in and set up the office environment correctly to meet the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
The Secretary/Treasurer Position:
At present the CRPU has one full time identified administrative position, the position of Secretary/Treasurer. This individual is an Officer of the Corporation but not an elected official. The title is a misnomer for being the Secretary/Treasurer is only a small part of the job expected to be accomplished by this employee.
· No current position descriptor for the position of Secretary/Treasurer exists. The only position descriptor on record is found in the original charter of 1944. A new position descriptor is required.
When questioned, I learned the Secretary/Treasurer has never had a performance evaluation. She has never received feedback on how well/poorly she is performing her expected duties day to day.
Earlier this year the Secretary/Treasurer was asked by the BOD to start to compile a list of her individual job tasks. This list, Appendix “A”, can be found at the back of this report.
You will note terminology such as receptionist, switchboard operator, cl
Appendix “A” is an attempt to capture tasks and not responsibilities.
The Secretary/Treasurer is paid for a 35 hour work week but works many more. First hand I have witnessed a very dedicated employee arrive early for work and lunch consists of going to the bank, running corporate errands.
· There are huge issues relating to the BOD expectations of the only full time CRPU employee and capacity. The Boards expectations must be discussed, defined and documented.
· One Director should be identified as the HR Manager to address and deal with personnel issues including; compensation, dress, hours of work, sick time, vacation time, days in lieu, training and other HR issues.
The Secretaries Position:
Is the Secretarial position the most important task for the full time administrative position? I have witnessed a full day spent repeatedly rewinding a tape of a BOD meeting to draft a set of minutes for approval.
BOD meetings should not be taped. If you tape them you must retain them and this leaves the organization wide open for an FOI request. The minutes are not private documents. They belong to the corporation. Record the minutes in writing only.
· One of the Director positions should be designated as the Secretary. This Director would compile and distribute the agenda and address incoming and outgoing correspondence.
· The present constitution allows for a Director to be appointed as the Secretary.
The Treasurer:
The CRPU uses the program “Simply Accounting” to maintain their financial records. This is an excellent program, probably the best on the market for small businesses but is the BOD using it to their full advantage when strategically planning for the organization?
Does the BOD know that in the first quarter of this year (Jan – Mar) that $885.00 was collected in late fees?
Simply Accounting can provide this information to the BOD monthly.
This program can tell you how much revenue was generated by membership sales, band sales and product being sold in the store. This program can tell you how much inventory is on hand and anything else you want to know about the financial picture of the organization. The BOD needs to know this information monthly. They don’t need to know all the little pieces but they need to know the overall picture.
· Financial statements must come to the BOD monthly.
· The BOD needs to develop a budget for the September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2011 fiscal year. The BOD needs to know how much money they are spending monthly. They need to have up to date revenue balances.
· Staff must be instructed to activate the inventory control feature on the Simply Accounting program.
So what is it that you expect of Secretary/Treasurer with respect to the Treasurer part of her duties? Do you expect her to order all supplies? Is it her responsibility to price all products? Is it her responsibility to pay all bills, herself and staff? Who is auditing the inventory and the books?
How are you maintaining control?
You have a two signature rule for the signing of the cheques. Is it being properly followed? What happens if your yet unnamed employees were to access a signed cheque? What is your plan if the Secretary/Treasurer were to fall ill or worse, quit.
· A member of the BOD should be identified as the Treasurer. The constitution allows for this.
· All invoices for payment should come to the Treasurer with the cheque made out for his/her signature.
· The Treasurer should be paying staff.
Part Time Administrative Position:
Normally there is a part time administrative position assigned for 20 hours per week but at present that position is vacant. A fairly advertised competition is underway to fill that position. After watching the BOD struggle through some 70 plus applicants, narrowing the short list to 7 applicants for interview, and then spending a full day leading the applicants through testing and an interview the hiring of the 2 top applicants makes good sense.
The 1.5 positions currently allotted as support staff for the CRPU and the BOD is too lean. The identification of a third part time position is timely and makes practical sense.
Consideration should be given to the evaluation of all new employees. Who will coach, mentor, and discipline the new employees. Who will terminate a new employee if required?
The draft position descriptors for this particular position are posted at the rear of this report, see Appendix “B”.
· The BOD should be taking an active role in the writing of position descriptors for all new employees.
· After working so hard to identify one part time employee the BOD should seriously consider hiring two part time employees. The addition of a third staff member would allow for the reorganization of the CRPU from the BOD downwards all the while attributing to greater efficiency of this organization making the CRPU more “business focused”.
Volunteers/Grant Applications:
At present all graduating high school students are required to perform 40 hours of community service work. Many students are finding it difficult to identify volunteer work locations.
Other school programs require student placement programs for periods of two weeks or more.
Most governments offer grant opportunities to hire students for the summer.
· To date the CRPU has not availed themselves to any of the available youth programs. A member of the BOD should be directed by the Organizational Chart to pursue these employment opportunities.
The fiscal year for the CRPU is September 1st through to August 31st. Financial statements for the CRPU were examined for the years 2006 through to 2009. There are concerns.
· The revenue from membership dues started to decline in 2007.
· Reserve monies had to be used to balance the books in 2008 and 2009.
· The financial statements, while reflecting a true picture of the corporation could be more detailed to assist the BOD. Store revenue/expenses should be a stand alone document.
· The BOD needs to develop a closer working relationship with their Accounting Firm. Using a local accountant may have yet undiscovered benefits.
· Financial statements must come to the BOD monthly.
· The BOD needs to develop a budget for the September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2011 fiscal year. The BOD needs to know how much money they are spending monthly. They need to have up to date revenue balances.
· Staff must be instructed to activate the inventory control feature on the Simply Accounting program.
The CRPU store is the major source of revenue for all CRPU activities yet it is this activity that is the lowest of priority for the administrative staff. Phones, walk-in customers, band orders, band transfers, lost and found pigeons and the many other tasks bestowed by the BOD on these positions has caused this to happen. Every day calls, faxes or emails are received to order product that is not in stock. The expiry date for product on hand too frequently elapses. This is the biggest complaint I have heard from the CU members and must be addressed. The BOD must implement a plan to turn this around because our members are seeking out other locations to buy our products. It will be very hard to re-capture customer loyalty once a customer is lost.
· A Store Manager position must be identified.
· A position descriptor must be written to reflect that this is that employee’s primary responsibility.
· Part of the compensation package for that position could be identified as commission on sales.
· The Store Manager should be running a monthly sale item. A sales flyer could be posted on the web site and emailed to each CU member to reflect the “
· Monthly the Store Manager should be sending out a flyer introducing product. Much of the product on hand is unknown to the membership. Familiarity will bring sales.
· The Store Manager must continually seek out new product and suppliers.
· The Store Manager must find a cheaper way to ship product to our members. I called one company and they can ship a 2.5 kg package anywhere in
The BOD is in the process of introducing a shop on line feature to the web site. I applaud that effort.
Does the BOD know that in 2003 there were 1,514 CRPU members?
2004 – 1328 members
2005 – 1171 members
2006 – 1271 members
2007 – 1249 members
2008 – 1213 members
2009 – 1202 members
2010 – 1122 members
Does the BOD know 617 new members have joined the CRPU since 2004 but we have lost 1009 members during that same time frame?
Does the BOD know by Province where our members live?
The point is, the CRPU is losing members and the BOD must find ways to turn that around. To join the CRPU is too time consuming and costing the CRPU in house sales.
· The CRPU must re-visit the 2 signature rule for joining the CRPU. Are the reasons for this rule in 1996 still applicable to-day?
· Membership figures by Province, new and old should be coming to the BOD for their awareness monthly.
Lost and Found Secretary:
“On receiving notification of a found or stray pigeon, the lost and found secretary shall communicate to the finder, the name and address of the owner and to the owner, the name and address of the finder”. The aforementioned statement is word for word from the constitution.
· This position is not directly funded for and is provided as a service to CRPU members as directed by the constitution. Statistics should be kept to justify CU band price increases and this information should be shared in the Newsletter so all members can see what is being done on their behalf.
The Web Site:
As previously mentioned, the web site is maintained under contract. The proposed Shopping Cart which is to be included in the near future is a great idea but the current location of the Price Catalogue is too difficult to find.
The recent new web page overall is excellent. The minutes of all BOD meetings are posted in a timely fashion and circulated to each club by email. What an excellent idea.
In to-day’s world you absolutely need a web page to be competitive. The sky is the limit. Keep building this worthwhile tool.
· Identify a BOD member and make this one of their primary duties.
· Add all the by-laws you have gathered to this site.
· Include a historical link to the great pigeons of both World Wars.
· Consider selling advertising for the web site.
· Continue to build this great resource item.
The Newsletter:
The BOD continues to improve the Newsletter monthly. The January 2010 edition was 32 pages in length. Many pages were pages sold as advertising. This is an excellent initiative and “business focused”.
The Newsletter is the best communication tool we have. Hats off to the BOD!
· Keep doing what you are doing.
Well there you have it, my own view on the overall operation the CRPC. Everyone who reads this report will do so for one reason. They love to fly racing pigeons. We are involved in a sport that can be traced back hundreds of years, a sport that saved thousands of lives in World War I and World War II.
To-day our corporation is in financial trouble. It is time to re-organize. It is time to amend our constitution and re-build. Through financial strength your BOD will be better able to improve communication right across the Dominion of Canada. As the late Martin Luther King once said; “I have a vision”. That vision, my vision, is a unified CRPU with one goal in common, the sport of Racing Pigeons in
To-day we need a BOD who are committed to making our organization strong. To support the BOD we all need to work together to promote our “passion”, racing pigeons. This starts from the ground up, recruiting members, serving our local clubs and promoting our sport, our passion, racing pigeons in
As I stated at the beginning not everyone will agree with all the comments I have made in this report. That is okay. This “Operational Review” was done to stimulate thought and discussion.
Read it again.
What are your thoughts? Where do we go from here?
Appendix A
Secretary/Treasurer Job Description 08/09
Daily Items: Answer Phone listen to phone messages from night before
Accept orders Phone, email, snail mail, Walk in
Check email, respond as required
Accept snail mail, organize as required
Bill, Process and pack daily orders
Band Transfers – Fill out Bill Update band list
Weekly Items: Check and pay appropriate bills
Check supplies, stock shelves
Bank Deposit, Visa and MC deposit
Paychecks – arrange work schedules
Assign work duties for the day
Monthly Jobs: Balance month
Watch Supplies pricing
Accounts receivable keep an eye on
Cleaning of office
Meetings BOD: Accept correspondence
Prepare an agenda and all material for meeting
Attend, record and produce minutes from meetings
Respond to correspondence with letters
Cheques out to view to be approved
Memberships: Bill all annual memberships
Produce membership cards
Bands: Accept all band orders
Order CU, Vanity, Club bands
Bill bands
Order band cards from printer
Send out bands and band cards Jan of each year
Build band lists for web site and office
Organize band registrations paper and excel file for each year
Newsletters: Accept advertising
Build newsletter in Microsoft publisher and send to printers
Stuff stamp newsletter for members
Email to certain members
Yearbook: Accept Old and young bird race results
Adjust files of the race results for the yearbook
Accept advertising for yearbook
Billing for race results and advertising
Create membership list for yearbook
Process information for front of yearbook
Organize and oversee development of final yearbook for print
Pack and arrange delivery of yearbooks Feb / March
Awards: Accept all awards paper and electronic
Copy all awards for Chairperson
Verify if band registrations are correct
Develop list of winners for yearbook
Print award certificates for winners
Frame and mail to winners
Annual Audit: Inventory count
Organize year end information for accountant
Provide detailed account information GIC Bank account etc.
Show cost pricing on all products
Full day meeting with accountant to review pricing and inventory count
Review audit with accountant
Price Book: Supplies pricing up to date
Add new items
Add new pictures
Design for printing company
Mail to all members
Calendars: Arrange Award winners, Contact members
Review important dates add into calendar
Mail to all members
Special Functions: Attend CRPU Annual meeting
Convention: Organize and sell product
Awards to be presented at convention
Organize and sell product
Appendix B
Part Time Administrative Assistant - Job Description:
Does overflow of work, has done all of these duties
Answer Phone listen to phone messages from night before
Accept orders Phone, email, snail mail, Walk in
Bill, Process and pack daily orders
Band Transfers – Fill out Bill Update band list
Produce membership cards
Bill bands
Build band lists for web site and office
Organize band registrations paper and excel file for each year
Stuff stamp newsletter for members
Accept Old and young bird race results
Adjust files of the race results for the yearbook
Billing for race results and advertising
Copy all awards for Chairperson
Print award certificates for winners
Frame and mail to winners
Inventory count
Organize and sell products